Volume 1, March, 2017



Georgi T. Lichev
Pages: 8-16

ABSTRACT - This article is aimed at understanding the role of psychological factors in determining consumer behaviour. It is an attempt to integrate psychological and economic knowledge in order to solve significant problems in contemporary business. Consumers are complex socio-psychological creatures and numerous psychological properties and processes underlie their activities. This scientific paper takes into account the achievements of different sciences and has an interdisciplinary nature. The leading idea is to work out approaches and models for applying properly psychological and other knowledge to economic practice. This requires not only acquainting the public and businesses with a number of current issues, but also inspiring the transformation of attitudes in line with modern requirements. The aim is to identify the reference points for working out a comprehensive theoretical research model that will be empirically tested and will serve to achieve some positive changes in the activities of the commercial organizations in Bulgaria.


Keywords: behavior, cognitive model, consumer, commercial activity, motivation, psychological factors


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