Volume 1, March, 2015



Mihail S. Haralampiev 

Pages: 37-45

Mihail Stefanov Haralampiev, professor doctor ( Chemistry Sciences, Chemistry Warfare Agents)  at the “ Vasil Levski: National University , Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, former OPCW Inspector and Acting Team Leader ( 1997 - 2007, The Hague, The Netherlands)

ABSTRACT -More than 2,500 ago in Ancient Greece a lighter mixture of wood, pitch and sulphur were used to incapacitate a beleaguered Athenian force in a city prior to assault. In 1675 (Strasbourg) an Agreement between French and German armies directed that neither side use poisoned bullets. This was the first international agreement in modern history in which use of such weapons was prohibited. In 1899, The Hague Conventions was ratified by 27 states and the signatory states pledged to"abstain" from using projectiles that could spread "asphyxiating or deleterious gases". Again in 1907, The Hague Convention outlaws chemical weapons. Chemical weapons were cruel instruments of destruction and terror during the World War I (1914 - 1918). After conclusion that chemical weapons killed over 90, 000 soldiers many nations demanded that chemical warfare must never occur.1925, The Geneva Protocol prohibits the use of biological and chemical weapons in war. The global ban on chemical weapons, or the"Chemical Weapons Convention" became international law in 1997 demanding the world's stockpile of chemical weapons to be destroyed in the period 1997 - 2007. Nowadays, the mankind still has 15% of declared chemical weapons to be destroyed.


Keywords: history, chemical weapons, negotiations, convention, status of chemical weapons convention


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