Iliyana Krasteva
Pages: 132-145
ABSTRACT - Waste management is a key element in promoting resource efficiency and sustainable growth, which depends to a large extent on the institutional and legislative framework established in Bulgaria. This paper aims to outline the institutional and legal framework for waste management in Bulgaria. In connection with this, the following main tasks are formulated:
1. Sources of waste pollution;
2. Legal aspects of waste management;
3. Institutional framework for waste management.
It has been established from the survey that in Bulgaria there has been a tendency in the last years to reduce the amount of household waste generated by 419 kg / person in 2015, which is well below the EU average of 28 - 476 kg / man. The European Strategy Papers offer a transition from targeted waste management as an environmental damaging factor to a policy of preventing their formation and their effective use as resources. National legislation regulating waste management relations is developing extremely rapidly and dynamically. A complete package of regulatory standards and regulations has been developed to harmonize national and European legislation.
Keywords: waste management, environment, resource efficiency, regulatory framework