Volume 3, September, 2018



Pavel Hristov and Emiliyan Petkov
Pages: 46-52

ABSTRACT - This article presents techniques and solutions for publishing reality-based 3D models online. Mesh simplification method is described as a valuable solution for reducing data size and better three-dimensional web user experience. The represented approach describes a process of decreasing size of 3D file by largely simplifying flat areas thus preserving geometric features and visualizing reduced textured three-dimensional model on web. A procedure of object scanning, X3D model viewer representation, including X3D files with Inline node, used within a framework for integrating and manipulating scenes, are also described. These solutions are used for 3D exhibits’ visualization on St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo museum’s web page. Main results are summarized for three-dimensional representation methods and technologies. This report also gives an overview of techniques, conclusions and various approaches applied.


Keywords: mesh, optimization, system, scanning, segmentation, visualization, X3D


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