Volume 3, September, 2018



Kristiyan Korelov
Pages: 24-32

ABSTRACT - The main object of this article is the dairy market, which includes all Bulgarian companies operating under code 10.5 of „Classification of economic activities 2008“ and bulgarian consumers of milk and dairy products. Тhe main purpose of this article is to analyze the trends in the dairy market including the production and the consumption of dairy products. The dairy market has strategic importance for Bulgaria. Milk is a vital product present in everyday nutrition, but in addition to the social and health effects, the dairy sector contributes to providing permanent jobs in rural areas as well as protecting the environment. The main efforts of dairy producers are aimed at investing at all stages of the production chain as well as encourage trade. Of all the products on the dairy market, Bulgaria has a well-established production potential of yoghurt, cheese and yellow cheese obtained from the different types of milk produced in the country. Despite the dwindling consumption of dairy products, the sustainability of the sector is still preserved. Enterprises in the dairy industry are consolidating and becoming more present in the market.


Keywords: Bulgarian dairy market, dairy products, milk production


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